By John Rousmaniere
Newport RI, October 25, 2013— The Bermuda Race Organizing Committee has adopted US Sailing’s new Safety Equipment Requirements for the 2014 Newport Bermuda Race, with modifications to include prescriptions. An overhaul of the International Sailing Federation’s Offshore Special Regulations, the new requirements, called US Safety Equipment Requirements (USSER), were developed by US Sailing’s Safety at Sea Committee and approved by US Sailing’s Board of Directors on October 19, 2013. [/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last][box style="rounded" border="full"]
- New U.S. Sailing Safety Equipment Requirements have been posted at
- The 2014 Newport Bermuda Race Safety Requirements will be posted on this site soon.
- The requirements will be addressed and discussed at the Cruising Club of America Bermuda Race Safety at Sea Seminar in Newport, R.I., on March 15-16. [/box][/twocol_one_last]
BROC Chairman Fred Deichmann said, “We are enthusiastic about US Sailing’s new requirements. We will soon issue our 2014 Newport Bermuda Race Safety Requirements using USSER’s Ocean-level requirements as the base, modified to include BROC prescriptions.”
Like the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) Offshore Special Regulations, USSER describes gear required in boats when racing. The new requirements are easier for owners and pre-race inspectors to understand and use, are more compact and specific, and do not contain recommendations or references to other agencies. USSER has only three race categories (Nearshore, Coastal, and Ocean) instead of the seven categories in the ISAF regulations. Race organizers can add or delete gear requirements based on the nature of their races.
The 2014 Newport Bermuda Race Safety Requirements will be posted soon on the race web site, The requirements will be addressed and discussed at the Cruising Club of America Bermuda Race Safety at Sea Seminar in Newport, R.I., on March 15-16. More information about the seminar and a link to registration are at
A summary of the new U.S. Sailing Safety Equipment Requirements is at