
Competitor Bulletin #3: Advice for the Fall

October 25, 2023

By Media Team

Photo: 2024 Competitor HOUND hauled out at Safe Harbor Jamestown Boat Yard.

240 Days until the start of the 53rd Bermuda Race, and we guarantee that day will be here before you know it. We are happy that 112 boats have entered already - a record number by this time - and users are reporting how easy the interface is to use. Our Race Ambassadors are working with many other teams intending to enter, so we are hopeful for a large turnout on June 21st in Newport.

The Bermuda Race Organizing Committee (BROC) is very busy preparing all aspects of the Race. So we asked some of the members of the sub-committees for their #1 piece of advice for sailors at this point in the race cycle:

  1. Sign up for Safety at Sea Courses: Register for a Safety at Sea Course now! You can never have too many SaS trained crewmembers but at least 30% (but not fewer than two members of the crew, including the Person-In-Charge (PIC)) must hold a valid World Sailing Approved Offshore Personal Survival Course Certificate. A limited number of courses are available and they fill up quickly. Now is a good time to assess how many crew need training and sign up right away. Here is the schedule for some upcoming courses in the Northeast
  2. Create your Crew List & Boat Profile: Invite crew to your boat through the new entry system today. Do this early to allow the crew time to create accounts and fill in their information. Your RPIC should be the first crew you invite. As soon as he/she accepts the invitation, submit the Offshore Experience Form so the Qualification Committee can extend you the official invitation to race. Then update your profile with a little about your boat and a photo.
  3. Get your Safety Gear in order and test it! All competitors should review the Newport Bermuda Race Safety Requirements (NBRSRs) now and plan to acquire all the necessary safety gear. Items expire, stock gets low, and other things happen that can make rushing to get last-minute gear a real hassle in the Spring. We especially recommend you test your lifejacket with a CO2 canister to confirm the bladder holds pressure for at least 24 hours. See all the details for the Safety Requirements on the Notice Board.
  4. Book your Bermuda stay: It is not too early to think about your time in Bermuda. Plan your shoreside accommodations early. The Royal Bermuda Yacht Club is already receiving requests for dockage and has limited space. Please use this form to book your space.
  5. Get your boat measured and rating certificates: There seems to be a rush every year for new ratings. Get ahead of the stress by arranging your measurements now. If you anticipate no changes to your boat between now and the Race, and you need in-water measurements for freeboards (boat weight) and inclination (stability) please contact US Sailing to arrange measurements ASAP. If you anticipate no new sails or changes to other measurements you may make an application for your 2024 certificates now. Visit US Sailing/ offshore for instructions and to apply for your certificate. Any questions, contact Jim Teeters at [email protected].

Note from the Race Chair:

Earlier this month, I stepped into the role of Race Chair and I would like to thank the previous Chair, Mark Lenci, for his tenure with the Bermuda Race Organizing Committee. Mark was appointed to the BROC Chair role last year after his Vice Chairmanship during the 2022 race cycle. Under Mark’s Chairmanship, he has led several very significant changes for the 2024 race, including setting the stage for a new starting area off Fort Adams and a shore-side event for Race spectators. Mark has also been instrumental in the introduction of the new race management platform as well. With a record number of early entries and an exciting new starting venue, Mark is leaving the 2024 race on solid footing.

I look forward to seeing you all at the starting line soon and in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.

Andrew Kallfelz

2024 Bermuda Race Chair

[email protected]

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