Will Glenn was a “Pied Piper” of sailing who, in the course of more than 50 years, introduced many families and friends – young people especially – to the joys and camraderie of sailing. This prize was given by his family in commemoration of his genial, enthusiastic nature in pursuit of that mission.
The “William L. Glenn Family Participation Prize” will be awarded at Government House Prize-Giving to the family sailing with the best performance as determined by the Race’s Cross-Divisional (“X-DV”) system. Additionally up to four place prizes may be awarded based on the number of Family Prize entries utilizing the formula detailed on the last page of the Prize List. Entry is open to family vessels in the St. David’s Lighthouse, Gibbs Hill Lighthouse and Finisterre Divisions.
A minimum of four (4) family members, at least one of whom is a member of the afterguard (skipper, watch captain, navigator), all sailing on the same vessel. “Family member” is defined as a legal relative by blood, marriage or adoption. This includes (and is limited to) the following: parents, grandparents, children, siblings, spouses, sons/daughters/brothers/sisters/parents in-law, first cousins, nieces/nephews. “Family” does not include “fiancés” and “cousins” other than first cousins. If requested, an award winner must be able to substantiate the family relationships.
Entries are to be made prior to the Race and submitted no later than 0900 hours, Friday, June 21, 2024. To enter, complete the form below.
Family Name | Yacht Name |
Harris | Hermie |
Clark | LAPIN |
Van Voorhis | Desna |
The Mitchell & The Jacobson Families (x2) | Freyja |
Dickerson | Maree |
Willauer | Breezing Up |
Harris | Hermie |
Gimple | Banter |
Storck Family | Blitzen |
Cullen | WaveWalker |
Burnes | Cybele |
Phyfe/Adam | Digger |
Family Name | Yacht Name |
Special Prize Application: Glenn Family Participation Prize
"*" indicates required fields
See all other Special Entry Prizes.