
Competitor Bulletin #30: Prize-Giving, Scoring Correction, Navigators Forum

June 24, 2022

By Media Team

Dear Race Captains and Sailors,

The Prize-Giving ceremony will be held tomorrow at 6pm at Government House. Invitations are currently being distributed by the Duty Desk. There is a possibility of passing showers; please prepare accordingly. Transportation is available by bus from the RBYC. Purchase tickets in the rotunda at the front desk; $15 per person round trip.
In the last several hours, we learned of and corrected a scoring error in the application of a 30-minute penalty to boats starting OCS. While several boats started OCS, only one position change is noted, in Class 18: Desperado moves to first place and Alchemist, to second. Our apologies to the crews of the affected boats.

For those who missed it, you can review yesterday’s standing-room-only Navigators Forum on YouTube, along with more than 40 other videos on the 2022 Race Playlist, recapping this year’s race. Crews with video and photos to share are welcome to do so at

Warm regards,

Somers Kempe, Chairman
2022 Bermuda Race Organizing Committee

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