Masterpiece International, a logistics solution provider, has been contracted to assist captains and crews wishing to send gear, sails, etc. to Bermuda.
Loading of containers will take place at Safe Harbor Newport Shipyard, and at Safe Harbor (NEB), every day from May 31 through June 17, 2024, daily, from 9am to 4pm
Please note that this is earlier than prior years due to the increased time for logistics in shipping to Bermuda.
Space in the containers provided by Masterpiece International is available on a first-come, first served basis. Please complete and submit this form and make payment arrangements as soon as you can for a smooth transaction. Any forms after May 17th could run the risk of space related costs. Bermuda Customs and Border Protection has been very gracious in accommodating the race, and race participants, with a simplified reporting format. Careful attention to proper completion of this information is important both to this year's race, and to future race participants.
Please download, complete, and email this form to: [email protected] as soon as possible, but in no event later than May 17th, 2024.
For questions regarding shipping, please reach out to Bill Carroll, Masterpiece International, +1-908-809-3787 [email protected]
There are also shipyard contacts on the form.