
Updates from the fleet: Saturday June 22 AM

June 22, 2024

By Race Communications

Here are some updates from the fleet. Photo from Helena Darvelid on Allegra of Summer Storm 52

Proteus -  At 0150, Will Oaxley, navigator onboard Proteus, the JV72, informed us that they had dismasted. Fortunately, all crew members are safe. They have successfully cut the mast away without causing any damage to the hull and are currently motoring back to Newport due back midday Saturday

Scylla #60739 - Michelle & Markus Lahrkamp’s Dehler 42 have withdrawn for a medical issue. They do not need assistance and headed back to Newport for further attention.

Meridian -  Reports had a very “interesting” day with spectacular conditions as we left the dock this afternoon. The weather played tricks, giving us a nice breeze until 20 minutes before our start, then it fell. We started at 3:10 PM, but the inbound tide and light breeze held us and about 50 other boats in position for hours. We are now, at 10:30 PM, about 20 miles south of Newport. After 7:00, we had a good run for 3 hours, but now the wind is shifting. We enjoyed a great dinner and have a two-person watch system. Looking forward to stronger winds tomorrow.

From Meredian

Digger - (7 pm last night) "We have not gotten very far.  The wind has been very light and very shifty.  Most of the afternoon was spent at 3 knots or less boat speed with wind under 5 knots. Lots of sail changes to keep the boat moving.  Very frustrating conditions, but spirits are high. We just finished a Lasagna and chicken dinner, and dusk is settling it.  We're just about even with Point Judith and currently moving at two knots.  Fingers crossed for the SW to fill this evening!”

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