With 188 applications in Sailgate, the Newport Bermuda Race entry system, we offer tips for completing final information. By Bjorn Johnson.
Introduced in 2016, Sailgate is currently being used for its second Newport Bermuda Race, and the benefits of the system are beginning to be felt across the fleet. Because Sailgate has a split database, one side for boats and one side for crew, all information is carried forward as boats change owners and crews move between boats. Administrative communications with all crew have also been streamlined.
We recognize that we request a fair amount of information from boats and crews, for example boat scantling certification. What follows are tips that can help owners and crew wrap up their respective data entry requirements in good order. We should note that each crew must enter their own info to comply with privacy laws, which the Bermuda Race Organizing Committee take seriously.
Sailgate: Tips for the crew
Fill out your information correctly and upload your most recent documents. They can be uploaded after logging onto Sailgate. On the left-hand side:
- Click on “Settings” then click on “Miscellaneous” and you will open a window where you can upload your documents and input other information. Under the “Settings” dropdown you can fill out your “Emergency Contact”, “Immigration Information” and, if needed, update contact information or change your password. Please remember the race requires “Emergency Contact” information in order for you to compete.
- Remember you can always update any information by opening the settings tab and using the edit bar.
- Phone numbers: remember to put a +1 before the Area Code for US Entrants. For international numbers, please use the + then the country code i.e. US +1 area code, UK +44, France +33. No brackets or spaces.
- There are hints that can help you with filling out the forms located next to the fill-in boxes.
- US Sailing hasn’t linked the SAP System to Sailgate so don’t look for your ORR Certificate to have been received. We hope to have this resolved shortly and ORR Certificate will be automatically updated.
Newport Bermuda Race Safety Requirements: Tips for Fixed Ballast Boats
Scantlings Requirements—If you received an email from us recently, then we don’t have your Scantlings requirements required under Appendix 1, which describes specific documentation certifying the standards to which the boat was designed and built.
Newport Bermuda Race Safety Requirements: Tips for Moveable Ballast Boats
Scantlings Requirements—If you received an email from us recently, then we don’t have your Scantlings requirements required under Appendix 1 and Appendix 2. Like the boats with fixed ballast, specific documentation certifying the standards to which the boat was designed and built are required. In addition, boats must be certified to meet knockdown recovery requirements as well as individual stability requirements.
Timeline for 2018 Entry
Keep this timeline in mind and let us know if you need an extension so we can help find you a path to the starting line!
1 April Registration closes for any new Applications for Entry
7 April Last day to request ORR Measurement
24 May All measurements must be submitted for final processing by US Offshore
1 June Inspections deadline
10 June Newport HQ opens for registration
13 June Newport HQ Closes for registration
Go to the Official Notice Board to see the timeline and when all else fails email us, and we will try to answer your questions or send you to the person that can.
See you in Newport at Registration. If not before, or maybe at one of the parties!